5 research outputs found

    Real Time Implementation of Fuzzy Adaptive PI-sliding Mode Controller for Induction Machine Control

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    In this work, a fuzzy adaptive PI-sliding mode control is proposed for Induction Motor speed control. First, an adaptive PI-sliding mode controller with a proportional plus integral equivalent control action is investigated, in which a simple adaptive algorithm is utilized for generalized soft-switching parameters. The proposed control design uses a fuzzy inference system to overcome the drawbacks of the sliding mode control in terms of high control gains and chattering to form a fuzzy sliding mode controller. The proposed controller has implemented for a 1.5kW three-Phase IM are completely carried out using a dSPACE DS1104 digital signal processor based real-time data acquisition control system, and MATLAB/Simulink environment. Digital experimental results show that the proposed controller can not only attenuate the chattering extent of the adaptive PI-sliding mode controller but can provide high-performance dynamic characteristics with regard to plant external load disturbance and reference variations.

    RT-LAB platform for real-time implementation of luenberger observer based speed sensorless control of induction motor

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    This paper proposes RT-LAB platform for realtime implementation of Luenberger observer based on speed sensorless scalar control of induction motor. The observed shaft speed is derived from lyapunov鈥檚 theory. It is shown by an extensive study that this Luenberger observer with PI anti-windup speed controller is completely satisfactory at (nominal, variable, reverse) speed references and it is also robust to load torque disturbance. The sensorless control algorithm along with the proposed Luenberger observer is modeled, built in the Host PC and successfully implemented in real-time using digital simulator OP5600. The experimental results observed in the GW-Instek digital oscilloscope鈥檚 screen validate the effectiveness of the proposed Luenberger observer for speed sensorless scheme

    An谩lisis de las cargas de trabajo de las enfermeras en la UCC gracias a la escala NAS

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    Introduction. The increase in intensive care directly affects material and human resources, as well as care workload. The recently published evidence dictates that the validated scale Nursing Activities Score is most adequate to quantify the nursing workloads in critical units. The aim is to know which is the care workload born by nursing at the Cardiological Critical Unit (CCU) of the Hospital Universitari Dr. Josep Trueta of Girona, and consequently to check whether the patient/nurse ratio is adequate. Currently, the CCU has a ratio of 3 patients per nurse (3:1). Methodology. A longitudinal, prospective, observational, descriptive study was carried out from November 2018 to May 2019. The representative sample was calculated and a total of 263 patients were enrolled. With the gathered information, a database was generated, and said data were analyzed with the aid of the Excel program. Results. Almost half of the patients are admitted to our unit with a diagnosis of ST-segment-elevation acute coronary syndrome (47.9%), non-ST-segment-elevation acute coronary syndrome (28.1%) and arrhythmias (8%). The mean duration of hospitalization in the unit is 4.64 days, the mean age being 65.02 years and the vast majority being men (77.2%). Regarding the results obtained from the NAS scale, it has been possible to extract that the average per patient during his/her stay at the unit is 59.37 scores. Conclusions. If the evidence on the use of the NAS scale recommends that a nurse assumes a maximum care workload of 100 scores daily, thanks to our study we conclude that the ratio in our unit should be 2:1.Introducci贸n. El incremento de las terapias intensivas afecta directamente en los recursos materiales y humanos, as铆 como en la carga asistencial. La evidencia recientemente publicada dictamina que la escala validada Nursing Activities Score (NAS) es la m谩s adecuada para cuantificar las cargas de trabajo de enfermer铆a en las unidades de cr铆ticos. El objetivo es conocer cu谩l es la carga asistencial que sufre enfermer铆a en la Unidad de Cr铆ticos Cardiol贸gicos (UCC) del Hospital Universitari Dr. Josep Trueta de Girona y en consecuencia, comprobar si la ratio paciente-enfermera es adecuada. Actualmente la UCC tiene una ratio de 3 pacientes por enfermera (3:1). Metodolog铆a. Se realiz贸 un estudio descriptivo, observacional, prospectivo y longitudinal desde noviembre de 2018 hasta mayo de 2019. Se calcul贸 la muestra representativa y se reclutaron un total de 263 pacientes. Con la informaci贸n recopilada se gener贸 una base de datos y se analizaron con el programa Excel. Resultados. Pr谩cticamente la mitad de los pacientes ingresan en nuestra unidad con diagn贸stico de s铆ndrome coronario agudo con elevaci贸n del ST (47,9%), s铆ndrome coronario agudo sin elevaci贸n del ST (28,1%) y arritmias (8%). La duraci贸n media de ingreso en la unidad es de 4,64 d铆as, siendo la media de edad de 65,02 a帽os y la gran mayor铆a son hombres (77,2%). En cuanto a los resultados obtenidos de la escala NAS, se ha podido extraer que la media por paciente durante la estancia en la unidad es de 59,37 puntos. Conclusiones. Si la evidencia en torno al uso de la escala NAS recomienda que una enfermera asuma una carga asistencial m谩xima de 100 puntos diarios, gracias a nuestro estudio concluimos que la ratio en nuestra unidad debe ser 2:1